Bet Shean streets as seen from the amphitheater
Bet Shean streets as seen from the amphitheater

Bet Shean


Entrance to Bet Shean National Park
Entrance to Bet Shean National Park

Wikipedia providees the following introduction to Bet Shean:  “Beit She’an (Hebrewבֵּית שְׁאָן About this soundBeth Šəān ), also and Beisan (Arabicبيسان‎ About this soundBisān ),[2] and historically known as Scythopolis is a city in the Northern District of Israel, which has played an important role in history due to its geographical location at the junction of the Jordan River Valley and the Jezreel Valley. In the Biblical account of the battle of the Israelites against the Philistines on Mount Gilboa,[3] the bodies of King Saul and three of his sons were hung on the walls of Beit She’an (1 Samuel 31:10-12).[4]  The ancient city ruins are now protected within the Beit She’an National Park.”   For more historical information on Bet Shean, please see Wikipedia at

Bet Shean as seen from the ancient Roman Theater
Bet Shean

360 photo:   Move your mouse or your cell phone around to look left, right, up, down, or around the above photo.

Roman amphitheater at Bet Shean:

Ancient Roman Theater in Bet Shean
Ancient Roman Theater in Bet Shean


Roman public pool with decorative columns at Bet Shean:

Ruins of Roman public pool in Bet Shean
Ruins of Roman public pool in Bet Shean


Roman columns along the pool in Bet Shean
Roman columns along the pool in Bet Shean



Brick pillars used to support the floor of the Roman bathhouse at Bet Shean:

Floor supports in Roman steam bath at Bet Shean
Floor supports in Roman steam bath at Bet Shean
Floor supports in Roman steam bath at Bet Shean
Floor supports in Roman steam bath at Bet Shean



Sign explaining the floor supports for the steam bath at Bet Shean
Sign explaining the floor supports for the steam bath at Bet Shean




Ovens that were used to heat the steam for the steam bath at Bet Shean
Ovens that were used to heat the steam for the steam bath at Bet Shean
Ovens that were used to heat the steam for the steam bath at Bet Shean
Ovens that were used to heat the steam for the steam bath at Bet Shean


Tunnels used to bring in the hot air created by the fire and stoked by slaves to heat the floors of the bathhouse.



360 degree photo “walking tour” of Bet Shean.  You can move from one 360 degree photo to the next at your own pace, looking around with your mouse or cell phone to look up, down, left or right as you please.  Just click on the Arrow to move to the spot on the tour.  Try it!

Main street in Bet Shean




For an aerial view of Bet Shean and additional historical and biblical information on the site, please see

Connect here to see Sergio and Rhoda visit Bet Shean:

or here to see an excellent video by Dr. Todd M. Fink on Bet Shean:


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